Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Keep calm I'm 28 weeks pregnant

             As the days go by. I sit in silence, rarely amused by anything but my mother, drooling, asleep in the chair next to me. Hiccups and kicks rumbling in my stomach, as the baby inside begins her existence. This world is cruel, already she is experiencing the annoying repetition, and I get to feel every bit of it. But I must say it is cute to know that she can hiccup and that she is alive inside me.

             I am at the beginning of my third trimester. Even tho I am now wearing humongous sized clothing I still try to look nice when I go out. In the back of my mind when I look at myself in the mirror I want to cry because I never new that I could ever weigh this much. To say in easy terms I weigh more than my mother and shes fat, I am pregnant so I have an excuse. But will the weight really disappear when I deliver because my mom was skinny once too and then she had me.

            Acid, the kind that decays your enamel is also a cruel thing in this world. The dentist has told me that the baby is stealing my calcium and that the acidic food that I have eaten are the cause of my teeth decay. The whole right side top of my teeth are falling apart, disintegrating, and I cant just go and get them all cut out because I am pregnant they cant knock me out or give me the numbing or pain medicine because it could harm the baby so until the baby is born my teeth are going to continue to crumble.

           Soft foods such as Debbiecakes, seaweed chips, spoonfuls of Nuttella, whipped cream, grapes, cucumbers, blueberry waffles, are the cravings of this pregnancy. I am anemic tho so I've gotta eat a lot of iron rich foods as well. Such as eggs, asparagus, seaweed etc and I am continuously eating ice like it has gone out of style.

         Thats all I got to say for now, thanks for reading!

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