1 Set of Comfy Breastfeeding Pjs. While the hospital gowns will do just fine for the delivery part, it is definitely nice to change into comfortable pajamas when you get a chance to shower.
Personal Toiletries. Toothbrush, deodorant, lotion, hair products, comb/brush… Although most hospitals will have the basics available upon request, using my own products and scents helped me feel a little more like myself.
Going Home Outfit. Something comfy for the car-ride but something nice for those who might visit that day. I just wanted to feel comfortable. My entire wardrobe for the next 4 weeks consisted basically of cute n comfy.
The hospital will provide you with some “grippy” socks to wear, plus mesh underwear, painspray and pads These will be your favorite things afterbirth.
Breastfeeding Pillow. Because breastfeeding is not as easy as it looks in the movies. While babies are born with a natural sucking reflex and can even squirm all the way to the mother’s breast if left on the mother’s chest, there is much learning to be done for both mom and baby when it comes to breastfeeding. Finding the right position is not always easy and having a breastfeeding pillow to help provide support can make a big difference. I know it certainly did for me.
I had nipple cream : recent studies show that nipple cream may not be as helpful as we thought after all. The current suggestion seems to be expressing colostrum/breast milk, rubbing it on the nipples, and letting it air dry to help with the dryness and soreness. You can always ask the lactation consultant at your hospital for the more information on this subject.
you can also ask if they have a breast pump available for use if u think you would do better bottle feeding.
Cute Going Home Outfit. Because you want to take some nice pictures to remember the occasion.
Car seat. Because even if you are walking home, they won’t let you leave the hospital without it.
blanket for the car ride home if its winter
Companion during stay wether it be grandma friend or daddy:
A Change of Clothes. Most of the time they can use the shower in the room if they would like. So, If they are planning to stay in the hospital the entire time, I suggest bringing at least one change of clothes.
Pajamas. Will come in handy if they plan to sleep in the hospital.
Toiletries. Same reason as mommy above.
Additional Items:
Phones and phone chargers. Because you will probably be making lots of phone calls to your family and friends and getting lots of supportive messages on your social media pages
(if you do not have a phone normally the room you stay in for recovery has its own line)
Camera (and memory card, and charger). To record all the details of the joyous occasion.
Snacks. Because who knows how long your are going to be in labor. Unless you can get your friends and family to bring some in, it is always nice to have something for your companion to much on.
Optional Items:
SMALL Comfy Blanket. Because sometimes hospitals rooms can get quite cold and if warm blankets aren’t available having a small fleece might help you get through.
Favorite Playlist. If you think listening to a particular song will make you feel happier, more relaxed, and help you cope better with the whole delivery process, take it with you. Most hospitals nowadays also have free WiFi available to their patients.
Extra underwear for mommy, that you dont mind throwing away after use. I know this sounds weird but hear me out. The moment you are admitted into labor and delivery they will have you remove your undergarmets, and once the baby is born, the hospital will provide you with a few pairs of disposable mesh underwear that will be big enough to fit the large pads you will need right after the delivery. Also, they are likely to get soiled fast and you don’t want to be collecting soiled underwear to take home to wash.
Diapers and wipes. The hospital will usually provide you with appropriately sized diapers and wipes for your newborn for the duration of your stay.
Extra Clothes For Baby. Most hospitals will provide shirts, hats, and blankets for your newborn for your stay. Unless you want to take pictures at the hospital with special outfits, you can just use the hospital outfits so you don’t end up going home with a pile of laundry.
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